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The PerfectAire range of air purifiers and solutions is the leading brand to disinfect, re-energize and refresh the quality of your indoor air.  The air purifier unit rotates at a high speed to eliminate malodour, bacteria and viruses by scrubbing the air particles. The PerfectAire concentrate solution is used in normal tap-water to purify the inflow of impure, polluted air. 


It is well known that unhygienic indoor air causes:

  • Sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and runny nose

  • Breathing difficulties and asthma

  • Headaches, dizziness, fatigue

  • Lack of concentration

  • Poor performance at work


Enjoy every breath with PerfectAire!


Our range of Aroma Diffusers works by breaking down essential oils into micro-molecules, releasing them which freshens and improves the quality of the air. Use either your own preference of essential oil or our range of Air Purifying Solutions in the range of Aroma Diffusers.


Scentialise your living the healthy way.

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How it Works: About
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